Male dysfunction or ED is typically defined by the difficulty in obtaining or keeping an erection long enough for intercourse.

In addition to being a condition itself, it is often the result of an untreated condition like type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure or caused by the side effects of medications meant to treat these conditions.

A recent study, however, revealed three specific type of medications that are responsible for over 25 percent of ED cases.

The most typical conditions for which prescription medication side effects can cause ED include:

1. High blood pressure medications –
these medications work by lowering blood pressure and decreasing the work the heart has to do. The side effects can include difficulty achieving and maintaining an erection.

2. High Cholesterol – Medications (such as statins and other drugs) to tread this condition limit availability of cholesterol, which is a necessary building block of hormones. Testosterone, being one of these hormones, is an important sex hormone.

3. Depression/Anxiety Disorders – Antidepressants which are used to block certain chemicals in the brain have the added side effect of decreasing libido and causing impotence.

If you’re suffering Erectile Dysfunction and taking any of those medications, talk to your doctor about decreasing your dosage or other treatments which don’t involve the same side effects.

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