After a long day of work, house chores, budgeting, and other duties, many people look forward to kicking up their feet and watching the evening news or playing a relaxing puzzle game on the computer.

Recent research is piling up, though, that warns against this practice, especially if you have trouble falling or staying asleep.

Researchers at the University of Auckland in New Zealand have shown that watching television, playing video or computer games, and using the computer in the 90 minutes before bed contributes significantly to insomnia.

The flickering, light-emitting characteristics of television, computers, smart phones, and other devices cause arousal in the brain. Even if the content being consumed is “relaxing,” the delivery method is what causes problems.

The researchers found that the longer a person spends in front of the screen, regardless of its nature (TV vs. computer), the longer it will take to fall asleep.

Making this a bedtime habit for long enough builds a dangerous sleep deficit and also makes it a hard habit to break.

If you are suffering from insomnia, say the researchers, begin to battle it first by turning off electronic devices that have images. Rather, use word puzzles on paper, something you can do with your hands, paper books (not e-readers) or play relaxing music on a listening device (no video.)

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