We often want to blame high blood pressure on genetic factors. There’s nothing we can do if our parents and grandparents had the same health issues, right? Not necessarily so.

Scientists have yet to find genes or combinations of genes that count for more than a 3-5 point rise in blood pressure.

However, in studies to try and pinpoint why some ethnic groups are showing less improvement in obesity and blood pressure rates in compliance to dietary restrictions, researchers have narrowed the biggest challenge down to being cultural in nature.

Studies conducted recently showing the effectiveness of DASH diet, or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, are identifying trends that tip the benefit balance away from African Americans.

The reason for the discrepancies in overall blood pressure between whites and blacks who receive the same third-party counseling on DASH diet principles have been drilled down to compliance.

A Duke University study recently identified the cultural attachment to certain foods and methods of preparation as the chief reason why African American populations are not succeeding at the same rate as Caucasian counterparts.

The use of conventional ingredients and cooking methods, such as what you’d find on some traditional dinner menus of fried foods made with lard or large amounts of butter, sugar, and processed food, are very hard to give up, especially when the use of these foods is part of the family history and traditions.

Lack of support in the home was cited as another reason for not abandoning the fried foods and choosing a more colorful selection for the dinner plate.

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