Can high blood pressure extend your life? Most doctors and experts would tell you no.

A surprising new study, however, suggests that in a few specific occasions hypertension might actually be beneficial.

Researchers at Oregon State University looked at data collected following more than two thousand people over a period of 7 years. Participants were over the age of 65 when the study started.

What they found was that for those participants who were of relatively normal health, having high blood pressure showed them to have a 35% higher risk of dying within a 5-year time frame.

The surprising results, though, were with the very frail seniors…the ones who had difficulty even walking 20 steps. Not only did that group not show the increased risk of death, but the results showed that with high blood pressure they were more than 60% LESS likely to die.

What researchers came away with, other than realizing higher blood pressure is actually a good thing for frail seniors, is that seniors’ health can really throw a curve ball to doctors sometimes.

It underscores the importance of customizing health care treatment options that are specific to the person, not trying to force a patient on a treatment that will end up contributing to an early death.

If you are in the other category of people (not too frail to walk 20 steps), though, and you want a blood pressure treatment option that is quick, natural and easy, check out our simple blood pressure exercises here…