Doctors continue to join the masses of believers that say therapeutic lifestyle changes, not drugs, are the most effective and safest ways to eliminate high blood pressure.

Recent study revealed unbelievable results from simple lifestyle changes on high blood pressure. If this study goes viral, it may bankrupt some of the drug companies.

The American Journal of Cardiology recently published a study following more than two thousand men and women from many ethnic backgrounds who had high blood pressure but weren’t taking medication.

After 12 weeks, with the only interventional treatment being changes in lifestyle, more than 60% of the participants saw their blood pressure readings drop to normal, healthy levels.

Not only did blood pressure improve, but the behavioral counseling, diet changes, and exercise also showed drastic improvements in bad cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Natural health professionals in a variety of fields heralded the study as yet one piece in the body of evidence proving that drugs don’t have to be a life sentence.

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