One of the most common treatments for elevated cholesterol levels is to cut back on fat in the diet. However, a new study out of Loma Linda University found that this advice may be doing more harm than good. In their study they investigated the effects of eating nuts –which are rich in dietary fat—on cholesterol levels in approximately 600 adults.

They found that eating just 2.5 oz per day of nuts like almonds, walnuts and cashews was enough to reduce total cholesterol by 5 percent. Additionally, nuts reduced dangerous LDL cholesterol by an impressive 7 percent.

How do nuts work? The researchers note that nut’s abundance of “good” monounsaturated fats, fiber, antioxidants and vitamin E pool together to form a perfect storm to drop cholesterol.

Here are more simple (and delicious) ways to reduce cholesterol

To Your Health,

Scott Davis