Excessive sugar levels in blood over a period of time can cause Diabetes Type II, causing poor blood circulation and nerve damage. Feet or legs are the areas that are worst affected by this kind of damage.

In fact, studies show that if the sugar levels in the blood are not maintained within the acceptable limits, a large number of type 2 diabetics can develop peripheral neuropathy, a condition of nervous system that usually begins with excruciating pain or burning sensation in feet.

Many diabetics, who develop neuropathy, become less sensitive to pain due to nerve damage, while others experience excruciating pain or continuous burning sensation in feet.

How to help prevent complications that occur due to neuropathy?

Stop Smoking

Smoking worsens the condition of a diabetic and it also adversely affects the blood flow. So, if you are a smoker, as well as a diabetic, stop smoking immediately.

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Many cessation aids or support groups are available today that assist you in achieving this. Choose one that suits you most.

Follow a type 2 diabetic diet plan

‘Diabetic Diet’ is not a fancy diet plan, but a simple eating plan that tells you what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat. Remember, eating right helps you immensely in maintaining blood sugar levels.

Keeping sugar levels at acceptable levels all the time is a must for diabetic patients and this cannot be achieved without following a controlled diet plan.

Exercise regularly

Positive effects of regular physical activity are aplenty; it helps you in reducing weight, keeping blood pressure within acceptable limits, and boost blood circulation. It is best to consult your doctor to identify the type of exercise regime that will help you most and one that you can do daily. In addition to exercising regularly, you should also use massage therapy to boost blood circulation in the body.

Wear the right footwear

You need to be aware of what footwear you are wearing. While good footwear can help prevent or alleviate the pain in your feet, low-quality footwear can worsen the situation.

If the burning sensation or pain in the feet has already begun to develop, don’t lose hope, there are plenty of things that you can due to minimize the pain or prevent it from worsening.

Natural treatments that help you alleviate the pain or burning in feet include: oil therapy, focused meditation, massage therapy, and aqua therapy. Remember to consult your doctor before deciding on any natural treatment.

To learn more about the natural ways that can assist type 2 diabetics, check out the Blue Heron Health News Defeat Diabetes program web site.
