Is cholesterol really bad? This is one question that needs to be answered aptly, so that the misconception surrounding this subject ends once for all.

Cholesterol is not bad for us; it is only excessive cholesterol that is bad. It is important to understand the difference.

Cholesterol is an important component that our body requires to perform various functions, such as maintaining cell membranes and producing certain hormones. Our body produces the amount of cholesterol it requires.

The problems come from the cholesterol that is synthesized from what we eat. Typically, excessive cholesterol is the result of the consumption of unhealthy foods over a long period of time and a sedentary lifestyle.

Naturopaths advocate that by adopting a healthy diet and consuming certain types of food, one can effectively tackle the condition of high cholesterol. Some foods that help you in winning the battle against this mostly self-inflicted disease are:

  • Pecans – Research shows that pecans are highly beneficial in reducing LDL, also known as bad cholesterol. In fact, consuming ¾ cups of sugarless pecans without corn syrup helps in reducing bad cholesterol by ten percent.
  • Ginger – Ginger is another food component that helps in the reduction of bad cholesterol. Grate ginger and add it to your juice to tea, or include it in your meal preparations to reap the benefits associated with it.
  • Cassava – Cassava is another recommended food for high cholesterol patients. Cassava contains iron, potassium, iron, fiber, Vitamin B6, and calcium. The high level of dietary fiber in cassava helps in reducing cholesterol levels. In fact, research shows that cassava is not only instrumental in decreasing total cholesterol and bad cholesterol levels, but also triglycerides levels.

In addition to these three, high cholesterol patients should also regularly consume high fiber foods. Some of the foods that have a high fiber content are: apples, wheatgrass, oatmeal, and barley.

If you are interested to know more about how to control cholesterol naturally, check out our  cholesterol guide.
