Nail fungus “shock” cure (90% success)If you want to eliminate 90% of your nail fungus in minutes, “shock” it.

This is according to a new study in Applied Physics Letters.

Traditional treatments for this fungal invasion often fail since the fungus hides beneath thick nails, which makes it difficult to reach and kill.

How does a cold air plasma jet work?

The device works by emitting a series of high-energy pulses, or “spark discharges,” that generate shock waves strong enough to break through the nail surface. The shock waves, in turn, create pressure on the fungus growing inside the nail, effectively destroying its cell membranes.

In this study, a team led by researchers from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science acquired some clipped nails that were completely free of infections and that were cut from people who had taken no antifungal medications for the previous few months.

They first applied some Trichophyton rubrum fungi to these clipped nails in the laboratory and then performed scans to make sure that the infection had taken hold.

They then applied the cold plasma jets to the nails to see what would happen.

The research revealed several important points about the effectiveness of the device.

1. The device killed 90% of the fungi in nails with 300 discharges.

2. The shock waves from the plasma jet imposed pressure levels greater than 1 megapascal on the nail, which ruptured the fungal cell membranes.

3. The device worked on nails up to 1.5 millimeters thick, which are typically almost impenetrable to both oral and topical solutions.

4. Unlike many conventional treatments, the plasma jets offer a non-invasive option with potentially fewer side effects.

Because nail fungus is so persistent and embarrassing, with its thick, discolored, and brittle nails, this study is extremely promising. Unfortunately, since the treatment still requires some further research, it’s not yet available.

There is, however, another option to dig deep into and kill nail fungus.

I call it a “two-punch attack”:

1) Prompt your immune system to attack the nail fungus from within.

2) Apply all-natural home remedies directly on the nail to attack it from the outside.

This surrounds the nail fungus so it has nowhere to escape.

Our readers have reported an almost 100% success rate using the two-punch attack. And their nail fungus is usually gone within days.

Click here to start the “Two Punch Attack” on your nail fungus in the next minute or two…