This Oil Kills Nail FungusNail fungus can be very stubborn. Most pharmaceutical creams and drugs at best work temporarily to keep it at bay.

That is why we’re thrilled to hear about a new study in The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.

It identified a common oil as very effective to kill nail fungus.

N. dimidiatum, the fungus at the center of the study, is known for causing nail fungus and athlete’s foot. It produces melanin, which is a significant factor in its virulence, making it more resilient and harmful.

The researchers of this study aimed to achieve two primary objectives: firstly, to determine the effective concentration of turmeric essential oil that can inhibit the growth of N. dimidiatum in a lab setting, and secondly, to assess if this oil can prevent the fungus from producing melanin.

To investigate, the researchers used ten samples of N. dimidiatum. They tested various concentrations of turmeric essential oil, ranging from 2% to 20%.

They used a method that involved a 7-day incubation period to identify the lowest concentration at which the oil could effectively inhibit fungal growth.

The most important finding of the study was that a 20% concentration of turmeric essential oil significantly hindered the growth of N. dimidiatum. This discovery is noteworthy because it suggests a high potential for turmeric oil in treating infections caused by this fungus.

The researchers then compared the amount of melanin in untreated fungal samples with those treated with 4% and 10% concentrations of turmeric oil.

Both concentrations of the oil worked to prevent the fungi’s production of melanin. This reduction in melanin production is crucial, as it diminishes the virulence of the fungus, making it easier to treat.

If you want to give it a try, you should mix one drop of turmeric essential oil with four drops of carrier oil (like coconut, jojoba, or almond oil) before applying it. This will give you the 20% concentrated oil. For the 10% concentration, mix nine drops of carrier oil with one drop of turmeric.

Because turmeric oil is so strong, it is a good idea to do a spot test to make sure you aren’t allergic to it. Put a tiny bit on only one part of your nail and leave it until you are sure it is safe.

Only then should you apply it to the rest of your nails and do so daily until the infection starts to decline.

But if the turmeric oil fails, there is even more powerful natural method that works for everyone. We call it the inside out, two-punch approach to kill nail fungus. Learn how to do it here…