As a regular reader of Blue Heron Health News, I’m sure you’re very inclined to choose a healthy diet and lifestyle.
But did you know there are foods that are heavily advertised as “healthy” that cause high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, obesity and many other life threatening health issues?
In fact, today I’m going to tell you about a man who put this type of food to the test and almost paid with his life. Be warned, because I can guarantee you’re consuming this food almost daily.
What is this dangerous “health food,” and how can you avoid it? Find out in today’s article and make your comments…
Damon Gameau was a healthy Australian filmmaker who one day had the crazy idea to start eating even “healthier.”
That is, for 60 days he vowed to consume only “health foods” such as low-fat yogurt, cereals, muesli bars, sports drinks, and juices.
These are the kind of foods often promoted in the health section in supermarkets or included in health packaging when choosing different lunches on airlines, even given out in schools as healthy options. He consumed no soft drinks, ice cream, candies or other “unhealthy” products.
The only problem with these “health foods” is that they’re loaded with sugar; plus, they’re often heavily processed. In fact, Damon consumed 40 teaspoons of sugar, similar to the average teenager, but double of what an average older American consumes. This is about five times what the recommended daily intake of sugar (6-9 teaspoons) should be- all from supposedly healthy foods.
So what was the result?
Within 3 weeks, Damon’s doctor gave him the grim news that he was early in the development of fatty liver disease, a serious condition that can end up in liver failure.
Before the end of the project, Damon added 4 inches of belly fat, the exact fat that contributes most to cardiovascular diseases. And maybe the most serious, his mental state was becoming unstable.
There were two things Damon wanted to demonstrate with his experiment:
a) Healthy foods are not always so healthy
b) Sugar is one of the worst ingredients in foods. Especially health foods.
And I, of course, wholeheartedly agree with Damon. The sucrose in sugar can only be used for energy by first processing it through the liver and changing it into body fat. It therefore ads on fat faster than eating high-fat foods and ruins the liver.
Since sugar is highly processed, the glucose goes quickly and directly into the bloodstream and spikes your blood sugar level. This not only causes type 2 diabetes, it also causes inflammation in the arteries, which lead to various cardiovascular diseases, and can eventually lead to stroke or heart attack.
As if this weren’t enough, sugar also causes inflammation throughout the body, worsening most diseases such as arthritis and migraine. It has even been linked to various types of cancers.
The message from Damon is, however, not that you have to cut out all sugar. Just be aware of the sugar content in different types of foods. Especially foods you believe are healthy. His movie “That Sugar Film” will be aired in theaters around the world in 2015.
Now, cutting out sugar may not be all it takes to cure chronic diseases. Please follow the links to learn more details about tackling each condition…
High Blood Pressure….
Type 2 Diabetes…
Erectile Dysfunction…
Weight Loss…
What kind of food do we consume here Nigeria seeing that most of our staple food is full of starchy foods which is as good as sugar itself. it is difficult to get foods free from sugar by the majority low income earners. In any case, we will try to do everything to help our selves.
NO CANCER – From the Arctic to the Equator.
For over a century and a half, medical missionaries, anthropologists and explorers searched in vain for cancer among primitive peoples they visited. The inuit (eskimos) have probably been isolated as long as any primitive people. Indeed, many still had a Stone Age culture until just a few decades ago, and they therefore provided excellent material for anthropological studies. Many who studied them remarked that “Cancer is not to be found among the Eskimos.” Dr. Samuel King Hutton was a board memeber of the Moravian Mission to Labrador during the first half of the 20th century. Writing of the Labrador Eskimos in 1925 he said:
“Some diseases common in Europe have not come under my notice during a prolonged and careful survey of the health of the Eskimos. Of these diseases the most striking is cancer. I have not seen or heard of a case of malignant new growth in an Eskimo. In this connection it may be noted that cookery holds a very secondary place in the preparation of food-most of the food is eaten raw, and the diet is a flesh one; also that the diet is rich in vitamins.”
In his book “The Northwest Passage,” Roald Amundsen’s wrote,
“My sincerest wish for our friends the Nechilli Eskimos is, that civilization may ‘never’ reach them,”
The Inuit (Eskimos) were not alone in being free from cancer. Away from western civilization cancer-free societies were ubiquitous. From the tropical frontier Dr. Albert Schweitzer wrote in 1957: “On my arrival in Gabon in 1913, I was astonished to encounter no cases of cancer…..This abscence of cancer seemed to me due to the difference in nutrition of the natives as compared to the Europeans.”
In 1915, Dr. Frederick L. Hoffman wrote an 826-page volume, “The Mortality from Cancer Throughout the World.” Under ‘Cancer among primitive races,’ Hoffman reported that:
“The rarity of cancer among native races suggests that the disease is primarily induced by the conditions and methods of living which typify our modern civilization…cancer is extremely rare among the primitive peoples.”
The rarity of cancer in the 19th century was not restricted to primitive populations. In his important book, “Cancer: Civilization and Degeneration, Dr. John Cope discussed the early eating habits of the English and the rarity of cancer at the time. He noted in particular that cancers increased in England as the consumption of meat declined.
Primitive peoples have no more immunity to cancers than we have. Once introduced to our “civilized” foods they succumb to the disease as readily as we do. While there were no known cases of cancer when Dr, Albert Schweitzer first went to Gabon, he noted sadly that:
“In the course of the years we have seen cancer in growing numbers in our region. My observations incline me to attribute this to the fact that the natives were living more and more after the manner of the whites.”
What makes the difference, those primitive peoples did and many still do live as naturally as nature intented. Their children are breast fed, they eat the natural foods about them, most if not all live on an animal based diet of fat and meat, and milk and all the other natural growing foods mainly in their raw state. We on the other hand as one man said, prefer to eat preserved, polished, purified, canned foods, that one way or another are dessicated by chemicals, by heating, by freezing and thawing, by oxidization and decomposition, by milling and polishing, man applies the principles of his”civilization,” which is the elimination of the old primitive civilizations natural way of eating and the substitution of it with the artificial. By so doing he turns a once natural and wholesome food into a “dead” mass of nutritional sewage. the consequence of which is the sickest society that the world has ever seen and getting sicker. I cannot end without recommending a book from which most of this was taken, that book is “TRICK and TREAT by a BARRY GROVES. For those who believe THEIR health is THEIR responsibility I could not recommend a finer book.
I noticed yogurt was on the list. But there's a big difference between the sugar content in regular yogurt with fruit as opposed to plain Greek yogurt.
Clarify please what should be consumed?
You are correct about the differences between plain yogurt and the flavored ones. If one adds a bit of fresh fruit to plain yogurt it is refreshing, satisfying and still healthy (if you do not have a problem with fruit in your diet). Why the manufacturers feel the need to add sugar (and it's artificial cousins) to an already sweet product is beyond me. Have you tried plain kefir? It, too, is a good option.
It is really difficult to get no or less sugary foods, fruits, most of drinks too – which we consume daily. While sugar is known be a poison for human life. Then what to do……..