Who Gets Nail Fungus and What Is It?

Who Gets Nail Fungus and What Is It?

Because nail fungus is extremely stubborn and hard to treat, it’s important to know what causes it so you can avoid it. Even if you have nail fungus right now, knowing what to avoid helps treat it. That’s why a new study in International Journal of Pharmaceutical and...
This Fat Treats Fatty Liver Disease

This Fat Treats Fatty Liver Disease

If you have been diagnosed with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), chances are high you’ve been told to consume less fat. After all, a fatty liver contains too much fat. Makes sense, right? Wrong! says a new study in EMBO Molecular Medicine. You need to consume...
This Spice Treats Nail Fungus

This Spice Treats Nail Fungus

Fungal nail infections are one of the most stubborn conditions to treat. But what if a potential treatment was hiding in our kitchen cabinets? A recent and as yet unpublished study available on the Authorea Preprints platform reveals a common spice, found in all...
Fatty Liver Disease Healed: Specific Ingredient

Fatty Liver Disease Healed: Specific Ingredient

The usual advice given to sufferers of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is to lose weight and to eat less of this or that. But a new study in Cell Metabolism states the opposite. To heal NAFLD, eat as much as you can of a specific, everyday ingredient. Best...
Diabetes and Nail Fungus: Shocking Connection

Diabetes and Nail Fungus: Shocking Connection

Diabetics have many health concerns. Nail fungus may often be ignored as among the less severe of these concerns. It shouldn’t be, though, because it can be life-threatening. A new study in Square addresses this concern and reveals some shocking facts. The scientists...