This Power-Grain Boosts Your Health from Day 1There is one grain that has been proven to include so many amazing health benefits that you absolutely must know about it.

It lowers bad cholesterol, while boosting good cholesterol, lowers blood pressure and clears your arteries.

At the same time, it balances your blood sugar level so if you’re suffering type 2 diabetes, or pre-diabetes, you absolutely need to include this grain in your diet.

Even more importantly, it’s completely gluten free. Therefore almost everyone can enjoy this grain despite allergies and sensitivities. And it’s available in almost all supermarket and health food stores.

A research study conducted on 805 Yi people in China revealed that consuming buckwheat regularly lowered LDL (bad cholesterol) while raising HDL (good cholesterol).

Plus, overall cholesterol level was lowered among buckwheat eaters, their blood pressure was lower, and overall heart health was better.

And there’s more…

In a six-year long study to measure the effect of whole grains on diabetes, 36,000 women were analyzed for their blood sugar levels. Those who had three servings of whole grains (like buckwheat) had a 21 percent lower risk of diabetes compared to those who consumed one or no serving of whole grains in a week.

But buckwheat is better than other whole grains for diabetes control. That’s because it contains abundant amounts of magnesium that is needed for the function of more than 300 enzymes, many of which are involved in regulating insulin levels in the blood.

If this is not enough, buckwheat also helps prevent gallbladder stones and breast cancer, cleans the intestines, improves appetite and delivers numerous other health benefits.

There are numerous simple ways to include buckwheat in your diet. Many people think buckwheat is a cereal grain. But it’s actually not true. Buckwheat is a fruit seed more related to rhubarb and sorrel. But you can use it as a substitute for cereal grain if you want to avoid gluten.

Use it instead of flour to make tasty and nutritious muffins, breads and pancakes. Cooked buckwheat can be added to soups and stews for a richer texture.

If you’re concerned about your cholesterol level, you’ll want to use more buckwheat. But there are many other simpler methods to clear your arteries.

Follow this simple strategy to quickly get your cholesterol under control…

Or to reverse type 2 diabetes, click here…