It’s unbelievable how many people complain about daytime fatigue and tiredness. And the big corporations have created the “answer” to the problem. Energy drinks have, in the last 5-10 years, popped up all over the place.

The problem with all these energy drinks is that they’re designed to push up your energy level but only for a few minutes or maybe a couple of hours. Then you have to have another energy drink and another if you don’t want to crash.

Symptoms of illegal drugs, right?

Many of those drinks actually include ingredients that rob your system of energy in the long haul, making you more dependent on them till you burn out.

That’s why in today’s feature article I’m going to tell you about six natural things that help you be alert and focused from early morning till late night. What’s more, these things strengthen your system so there is no “crash” afterwards.

So lets dive right into it

1) Exercise – I understand if you’re tired throughout the day, the last thing you want to do is a physical workout. After all, wouldn’t that just make you more tired?

The answer is NO. When you exercise, you boost (among other things) your metabolism, which peps up your energy throughout the day. You also balance hormone levels and reduce stress.

Working out during the day helps you sleep better at night. However, for most people, the best time to exercise is before 6pm since doing it later can keep you up.

If you have a busy schedule, you may not have much time to exercise. That’s okay because 15-20 minutes of high-intensity exercises can do more good than two hours of low intensity.

For best results, kill two flies in a swap by exercising outside. You’ll get fresh oxygen and load of vitamin D from the sun while boosting your body’s energy level with exercises.

2) Avoid Sugars and other ingredients in most “energy” drinks.

Sugars (and especially high fructose corn syrup) overload your blood stream with glucose. This is what gives you the kick for a short period of time. This is also what ads to all kinds of diseases, such as type 2 diabetes.

Since your body knows high blood sugar is not good for you, it quickly absorbs all the glucose it can into muscles and other functional cells and turns the rest into body fat.

Now your blood sugar level drops again and you feel like you need another kick.

Caffeine and other stimulators work in the same way for a short period of time and then cause a crash afterwards. Different chemicals work differently for different people. Most people can benefit from coffee in the morning when others find the effects to be detrimental.

3) Eat Healthily

I know we’re not being very original when we suggest you eat healthy to boost your energy. But it’s often the simple things in life that work the best.

Inflammation and oxidization destroy the functions of various organs. So load your body with berries (especially blueberries) and colorful vegetables daily.

Lack of protein is another reason why many people feel drowsy and tired throughout the day. This is especially true for those who are trying to eat healthy such as vegetarians and vegans. So load up on those nuts. They’re also full of good fats.

4) Reduce Stress – easier said than done, right?

Long term exposure to stress hormones can burn the adrenal gland over – literally. Without a properly functioning adrenal gland, you don’t have the “boost energy” to take on tasks- and you feel overwhelmed and tired.

We can’t always control the stressful situations that we’re put into. For example, loss of a loved one creates a stress reaction for anyone. All the tips in this article will help strengthen the adrenal gland so it works better in all situations.

What we can do is adjust our outlook on the situation that is causing stress and learn relaxation techniques that reduce stress in our own space. Our blood pressure exercises use extremely powerful relaxation techniques to lower blood pressure.

You can learn more about our Blood Pressure Exercises here…

Supplementing with vitamin B is also a powerful natural tool to reduce stress. I recommend everyone take daily dose of vitamin B.

5) Breathe more effectively.

Studies have proven that most people only inhale one fifth of the oxygen their lungs have the capacity to take in. Imagine the extra power you’d gain if you took in FIVE TIMES more oxygen than you do every single day.

Oxygen deprivation has been linked to many diseases. Anything from migraine to Alzheimer’s and cancer seems to be partly or entirely caused by long-lasting oxygen deprivation.

One disease that has become increasingly common is Fibromyalgia. We’ve discovered that almost everyone who learns to breathe more effectively throughout the day has been able to cure their Fibromyalgia. That’s how powerful breathing can be.

But it’s not just about learning deep breathing, it’s about training your body to take in more oxygen ALL THE TIME.

Learn more about how to cure Fibromyalgia using breathing here…

6) Get enough quality sleep. Around a third of Americans complain about mild to severe insomnia. This is very serious because insomnia contributes to or worsens almost every disease under the sun.

Again, all the previous tips will help you sleep better during the night. Especially exercising outside and reducing stress.

You can also check out our Insomnia program to discover how to fall asleep in 24 minutes or less here…

Snoring is another problem keeping many couples up. Not only that, because snoring is always caused by some blockage in the breathing passages, it will rob you of oxygen during the night and drain you during the day.

Our simple, 3-minute snoring exercises have helped thousands of people to stop snoring as soon as the first night. Learn more about the snoring exercises here…

But sleeping at night is not enough. If you really want to boost your energy, you should take a 20-30 minute (no more) nap in the afternoon. Most humans (as all mammals) are designed to nap at that time of the day.

In many countries this practice is intergraded into the culture and called siesta. These countries generally have a much lower heart attack and stroke rate than is common in Western countries.

However, this is the time many people feel tired but THINK they should be working. So instead of giving into the natural rhythm of the body, people grab an energy drink or a candy bar…which then robs them of energy shortly thereafter.

These are just a few of many things you can do to boost your energy level in the long haul and are absolutely natural. Please share your tip in the comment section below.