Common Vitamin Heals High Blood PressureThe vitamin we’re looking at today is super common, and thanks to researchers at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, we know that it’s super powerful.

They also found that it can lower blood pressure and reduce the buildup of arterial plaque, but the best part is that you don’t need much of it.

And it’s dirt-cheap and can be found in all supermarkets.

The researchers looked at 29 different studies to see how well vitamin C performed as a blood pressure reducer.

The studies had a median duration of eight weeks and used anywhere from 10 to 120 subjects. Doses ranged from as little as 60 mg to as high as 4000 mg, with an average of 500 mg.

After the researchers had summarized all of the study results, it became clear to them that vitamin C did a really good job of lowering blood pressure. This is because it helps the body to produce more nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels and also makes the endothelial layer—the inner walls of blood vessels—both stronger and more elastic.

The recommended dosage for vitamin C is between 500 and 1000 mg. If you feel a cold coming on and want to up your dosage, you can take up to 2000 mg a day. You may read that some people recommend taking more, but we wouldn’t advise it. Stick within these limits and you’ll still be helping to reduce your high blood pressure, along with getting the other benefits. That said, vitamin C alone probably won’t be enough.

But the most powerful way to drop blood pressure below 120/80 as soon as tonight are the 3 easy blood pressure exercises found here…

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