These Berries Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

These Berries Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

The berries in the study I’ll be telling you about today are so powerful that in the highest intake they were proven as effective as common type 2 diabetes drugs. And that is without causing any side effects. What’s more, the study subjects taking these berries gained...
This “Healthy” Habit Causes Type 2 Diabetes

This “Healthy” Habit Causes Type 2 Diabetes

It’s extremely healthy, pleasurable and refreshing if done in moderation. But overdo it and it can cause row of serious health issues. One of them, according to a new study from Japan, is Type 2 Diabetes. If you suffer this disease, you must cut down on this healthy...
Healthiest Sweetener You Can Find

Healthiest Sweetener You Can Find

You likely know by now that most sugars (especially high fructose corn syrup) are extremely unhealthy. Especially if you want to lose weight, tackle high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, arthritis and other diseases. The fact is, artificial...
One Food Causes Type 2 Diabetes Worse Than Anything Else

One Food Causes Type 2 Diabetes Worse Than Anything Else

There is one ingredient that is almost single handedly responsible for the raise in Type 2 Diabets cases in the world. It’s hidden in the most unlikely foods and drinks and causes your blood sugar to immediately spike out of control. Avoid this one ingredient and...
Top 5 Inflammatory Foods to Avoid

Top 5 Inflammatory Foods to Avoid

Inflammation is one of the main causes behind most modern diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular disease etc. You hear daily about various anti-inflammatory and antioxidant foods and supplements recommended to take to reduce inflammation...