Sleep Apnea Depletes This Essential Vitamin

Sleep Apnea Depletes This Essential Vitamin

Sleep apnea is a life-threatening disease. It has, for example, been linked to an increased risk of stroke and heart attack. And for a long time, scientists believed it was the lack of oxygen intake while sleeping that caused these secondary diseases. But a new study...
The Leaves That Heal Hemorrhoids

The Leaves That Heal Hemorrhoids

The medical treatment of hemorrhoids is sometimes considered even worse than the pain itself (and that says a lot). This leaves many people to tough it out or seek natural methods (that often are actually more effective). To help with this quest, a study has just...
Relaxing Way to Drop Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Relaxing Way to Drop Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Most of us don’t like making the changes needed to improve our health. If we did, we would have made those changes decades ago and stuck to them. So a new study published in the American Journal of Cardiology should be welcome to anyone with high blood pressure or...
Is Osteoporosis Caused By Your Status?

Is Osteoporosis Caused By Your Status?

Osteoporosis is usually thought of as a disease of the elderly with strong genetic factors, but this is not entirely inaccurate. But a new study that has just appeared in the journal PLOS ONE has now rung an alarm bell over the role that social status plays in this...