This Spice Lowers Blood Pressure and Heals Everything

This Spice Lowers Blood Pressure and Heals Everything

What common spice has the power to relieve pain (arthritis and other), reverse type 2 diabetes, normalize high blood pressure, end heart disease, and do just about everything else a body needs? It’s hard to believe that a common food seasoning can do so much, but it...
How ED Causes Premature Death

How ED Causes Premature Death

It’s been long known that men suffering from ED are at a higher risk of dying younger. And there are two associated risk factors that may explain that: 1) Low testosterone 2) Cardiovascular disease But which risk factor is it that actually causes men to die so young?...
Blood Pressure Drugs 40% Less Effective Than Tests Show

Blood Pressure Drugs 40% Less Effective Than Tests Show

New medications can’t just go on the market straight away – they need to be put through years of extensive testing first – first in labs, then on animals, and then finally on humans. If you think that’s it, you’re wrong! It then has to be FDA approved. But there is...
How The Internet Cures High Blood Pressure (study)

How The Internet Cures High Blood Pressure (study)

High blood pressure is so widespread it’s unknown how many people suffer from it. Despite the lack of knowledge regarding the statistics, there’s one thing that is fact – not all sufferers can get to the doctor. Some avoid doctor’s checkups out of fear, whilst others...
Snoring Destroys This One Sense You Need

Snoring Destroys This One Sense You Need

Snoring is not only upsetting for a person sharing a bedroom with you; it can also be dangerous for your health. A number of studies, including one published in the Turkish journal KBB-Forum: Elektronik Kulak Burun Boaz ve Ba Boyun Cerrahisi Dergisi, have found that...