Drop Blood Pressure In 2 Minutes

Drop Blood Pressure In 2 Minutes

Did you know that lowering your high blood pressure can be as easy as changing one habit in only 2 minutes a day? Seems too easy to be true, right? But there is science behind this claim. Scientists in South Korea looked at the impact of poor dental hygiene on other...
This Computer Game Heals Anxiety Disorder

This Computer Game Heals Anxiety Disorder

Cognitive behavioral therapy is considered to be the most effective treatment for social anxiety disorder (SAD). But a study just published in the journal JMIR Mental Health reveals a simple computer game that seems to be just as—or even more—effective. And wouldn’t...
5 Triggers of Vertigo (and how to prevent them)

5 Triggers of Vertigo (and how to prevent them)

You probably don’t experience vertigo all the time. It normally hits you suddenly, and you begin to feel dizzy, with the room beginning to spin. Then, after anything from minutes to hours, you get better. This leads to the big question: what triggers your vertigo? And...
The Worst Food For High Blood Pressure

The Worst Food For High Blood Pressure

There is one ingredient we all use and need that spikes blood pressure if used excessively. In fact, it’s so dangerous that, according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, this one ingredient contributes more to high blood...
Sleep Apnea Death Rate Rises 287%

Sleep Apnea Death Rate Rises 287%

Most people who snore loudly have underlying sleep apnea. This sleep apnea is often undiagnosed. And because the symptoms of sleep apnea are rather subtle, people tend to write it off as a nuisance because they think it only results in interrupted and fragmented sleep...