Surprising Cause Of High Blood Pressure (and simplest cure) DiscoveredNoisy work environments cause deafness. That is unsurprising, as all noisy environments, such as music clubs and concerts, cause deafness too.

An interesting article by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine, however, suggests that jobs that expose you to a lot of noise are an equally big risk for cholesterol and blood pressure.

But how in the world can loud noise cause High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol?

The authors analyzed the information of 22,906 collected by the 2014 U.S. National Health Interview Survey.

After applying the appropriate statistical methods, they found that 58% of poor hearing cases, 14% of high blood pressure cases, and 9% of the high cholesterol cases could be attributed to noisy work environments.

People working in mining, construction, and manufacturing experienced the highest risk.

This study is important, as a quarter of workers reported a history of workplace noise and 14% of them reported to being exposed to occupational noise in the past year.

While the scientists were not able to test the mechanism through which noise may bring about high blood pressure and cholesterol, they speculated the following.

Noise causes stress which, in turn, triggers the release of the stress hormone called cortisol. This, in turn, increases heart rate, narrows blood vessels, creates inflammation, and makes other biological changes to the body that can increase cholesterol and blood pressure.

Interestingly, I’ve been preaching this exact point for deaf ears of the traditional medical system.

You see, emotional stress is not the only type of stress that causes cortisol (stress hormone) buildup.

Other types of stress that cause this include:

– Physical stress (common flue for example)
– Mental stress (working on a tough task for a long time)
– Sensual tress (loud noise, constant TV etc.)

These stress factors accumulate in your system, raising your cortisol level.

The solution that has helped thousands of people lies in simple blood pressure exercises that reboot your system with something I call a “Focused Break”.

Many people experience immediate drop in their blood pressure after doing these simple blood pressure exercises.

You can learn more about the blood pressure exercises and test-drive them for yourself here…

And if you need to get your cholesterol under control, cut out the one hidden ingredient explained here…