Pushing Your Blood Pressure Lower And LowerThe official recommendation by most health organizations suggests that your systolic pressure should be lowered to at least 140 mmHg.

A new study now suggests that, while this might cut your risk of cardiovascular disease and preventable death by a bit, it still leaves you at rather serious risk of these two outcomes.

Scientists from Tulane University have now analyzed 42 previous studies (with 144,220 participants) on blood pressure reduction, which they published in the journal JAMA Cardiology.

According to most of these trials, the optimal systolic blood pressure score to prevent cardiovascular disease and death is between 120 and 124.

A systolic score between 120 and 140 is normally called pre-hypertension. It is the level where doctors don’t consider you to be at risk of serious cardiovascular problems or death, but only at a higher risk of developing full-blown hypertension.

This new study now indicates that they are wrong, and that pre-hypertension does leave you at risk of serious cardiovascular problems and death.

If you’ve systolic blood pressure above 120, do not despair. Instead, click this link to learn 3 easy exercises that will bring your blood pressure below 120/80 – starting today…