Do This to Live Longer If You Have High Blood Pressure (it’s NOT about lowering it)You have high blood pressure, but you also want to live long and healthfully.

It might seem like a paradox.

But it isn’t.

Because there’s something you can do live longer even with your high blood pressure.

What could be it be though?

Physicians and natural health experts both agree on one thing for bringing down or managing high blood pressure – exercise. The importance of exercising regularly cannot be emphasized enough.

Researchers based in Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Washington conducted a study to assess how exercises influenced the quality of life in seniors.

About 2153 men took part in the study, and all of them were over the age of 70. The men were divided into four groups based on their fitness level which was assessed in the form of metabolic equivalents or METs.

Those who had very low level of fitness had a MET score between 2 and 4 while individuals with very high level of fitness had a MET score above 8. The others had scores between 4.1 and 8.

The participants were followed-up for a period of nine years. In the period, approximately 1000 men died due to various medical conditions. The researchers concluded that compared to those with very low level of fitness, those with low level of fitness had an 18 percent lower risk of dying.

Also those with moderate and high fitness had a 32 percent and 48 percent lower risk of dying (compared to those with the lowest level of fitness) respectively.

To give you a clear picture, for every 100 people who die in the very low fitness level, only 52 people in the very high fitness group would be at a risk of dying.

The study shows a direct correlation between the fitness level of an individual and mortality. The more fit a person is, especially at old age, the better are the chances of good health.

Exercising doesn’t always have to be intense routines in the gym or running marathons. Just walking for 30 minutes every day is a very good exercise in itself. Those who are already active should keep going, and those who haven’t started yet – this is the time to get going!

It’s not a bad idea to send you blood pressure levels cruisin’ for a bruisin’. It’s even better when you can do this with 3 simple exercises, so just follow this link…