This Simple Procedure Drops Blood Pressure for Entire YearIt would be truly great to find a remedy for high blood pressure that is as simple as one activity done twice a year.

Researchers in Japan think they’ve got the answer to getting it done in a recent study.

Researchers at Japan’s Osaka University recently released the results of a study conducted on rats, looking at a “simpler” way to eliminate high blood pressure.

The experiment involved injecting the mice with a chemical to block the effects of a hormone known to cause stiffening of the arteries, which causes high blood pressure and can lead to stroke and heart attack.

The hormone is called angiotensin 2, and like its name, is responsible for causing tension in the arterial walls. Too much of this chemical, and the tiny muscles controlling the tension of the arteries find themselves in a constant state of “flex.” This causes the heart to have to work harder to get the blood to flow through the narrowed arteries.

The chemical that blocks angiotensin 2 was delivered via injection, in the form of a sort of vaccine, to hypertensive rats. The effect was a relaxing of the arteries, and lowered blood pressure, but only for about 6 months before another ‘booster’ was needed.

The scrubbed-down version of the study results didn’t go into side effect details, so obviously more research would have to be done on its long-term effects. Of particular importance would be what side effects will occur, and at what point does the treatment become ineffective.

I was actually very hesitant to publish an article about this experiment, as it is just another pharmaceutical method. The use on humans is a long way off, though, so in the meantime, stick with what we know works, and works WITHOUT causing harmful side effects.

But I like the idea of a long-term solution (rather than a daily medicine dose). The most powerful long-term solution (and this one causes no side effects) involves simple, easy exercises that have helped thousands of readers – just like you – to drop their blood pressure below 120/80 in as little as 9 minutes.

Learn more and test-drive the simple blood pressure exercises here…