Learning This Drops High Blood Pressure 72% (study)In a new study published in the Journal of Korean Medical Science, Researchers from Seoul National University Hospital reveal maybe the single biggest cause of high blood pressure ever found.

In fact, those who just learned one thing were 72% less likely to develop high blood pressure than those who did not learn this.

Even more importantly, you don’t even have to learn this to benefit. Just act like you know it.

Researchers analyzed the health and socio-economic information of 7,089 people collected by the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study between 2001 and 2003. They observed them for a further four years until 2007.

They wanted to clarify earlier study results indicating that lower income led to higher blood pressure. High blood pressure was actually becoming more common in Korea even as income was spiking.

They divided their subjects into four groups, based on their income level, then into another four groups based on education levels.

Contrary to their expectations, income level did not influence their risk of high blood pressure at all, but education level did.

The higher the education, the lower the subject’s blood pressure.

Compared to college graduates, those with only elementary school education were 72 percent, middle school graduates were 56 percent, and high school graduates were 33 percent more likely to have high blood pressure.

Based on other studies, researchers speculated that educated people smoked and drank less, ate healthier, and exercised more.

If these are the elements that give college graduates the edge, a college degree does not seem to be necessary – as long as you live a healthy lifestyle.

And even more powerful, do the 3 easy exercises found here to drop your blood pressure below 120/80 – starting today – no matter what your educational level is…