How Lowering Blood Pressure Causes Obesity and Other DiseasesA recent study proves that one of the most commonly prescribed blood pressure medications has devastating effects on your body.

It slows down your metabolism and forces your body to store fat and put on weight – leading to dangerous diseases such as type 2 diabetes, stroke, and heart attack.

Researchers have long known that your renin-angiotensin system (or RAS) regulates your blood pressure.

In fact, most popular blood pressure drugs target your RAS to reduce your blood pressure.

This is how RAS causes high blood pressure:

1. Under certain biological conditions (dehydration, blood loss, etc.) your kidneys dump renin into your bloodstream.

2. Through various steps, the renin is ultimately converted to something called angiotensin by the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE).

3. Angiotensin causes blood vessels to constrict, thereby causing high blood pressure.

ACE inhibitors are the most prescribed, and yet the most dangerous, drugs for high blood pressure.

They stop the conversion of renin to angiotensin (step 2 above), by suppressing the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) that is responsible for it. Without angiotensin, there is no high blood pressure.

Brilliant! Or maybe not.

Researchers at the University of Iowa have just discovered that renin-angiotensin systems in different parts of your body have very different effects on the ways your body stores fat.

As such, if ACE inhibitors suppress the wrong RAS, it slows your metabolism and makes you put on weight that, in turn, increases your risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

That means that these drugs actually promote cardiovascular disease instead of preventing it.

This is one more recent study proving the only reliable way to lower your blood pressure is to tackle the underlying causes in a natural way.

By far the best way I know to lower blood pressure naturally involves just 3 easy blood pressure exercises found here…

Here is how losing weight can be a breeze…

Note: if you’re already taking these or other drugs, don’t stop without consulting your doctor. The withdrawal can be life-threatening. Instead use a natural method (like the blood pressure exercises) to bring your blood pressure down and with your doctor’s blessing, lower your medication dose till you’re off them.