Common Vitamin Heals High Blood PressureWe have written many times about the importance of vitamins E and D to support good cardiovascular health.

But there is an even more common vitamin that has now been proven by researchers from John Hopkins School of Medicine to drastically lower blood pressure and remove plaque buildup from the arteries.

What’s more, it works wonders even in the smallest doses.

Researchers from John Hopkins School of Medicine recently conducted an analysis of 29 unrelated studies of the effects of vitamin C for blood pressure-lowering abilities.

The average dose of vitamin C used in these 29 studies was 500 mg and ranged from as low as 60 mg to 4000 mg throughout the median duration of 8 weeks. The study trial size ranged from 10 to 120 participants.

After summarizing the results of all 29 studies, researchers made a clear conclusion that vitamin C is incredibly effective to decrease blood pressure.

Researchers explain that ascorbic acid (vitamin C) has the ability to boost the production of nitric oxide (NO), which dilates blood vessels. It also strengthens and improves the elasticity of inner walls of blood vessels (endothelial layer).

The recommended daily dose of vitamin C ranges from 500-1000mg. If you feel like you need to temporarily tackle germs, viruses or inflammation, you can take up to 2000 mg/day.

If, however, you have high blood pressure, taking vitamin C may not be enough to get the results you want. To learn the most powerful method to lower high blood pressure naturally, click here…