Diabetes Blood-Glucose Level Lowered 6% With this Household ItemControlling glucose levels for people with type 2 diabetes might be as easy to fix as a 30-second organic solution at bedtime.

And, opposite to expensive pharmaceuticals your doctor prescribes, this solution is inexpensive and found in every grocery store.

Researchers from Arizona State University recruited type 2 diabetic participants who were not taking insulin therapy at the time of the study.

Half the group took two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar blended with water at bedtime with a little bit of cheese. The other half only ate cheese and water.

Those who drank the vinegar had an average improvement of more than 6% in waking glucose levels after just 2 days.
The control group that ate the cheese and only had water, not vinegar, showed no improvement.

A good way to consume apple cider vinegar is to add 2 tablespoons in half a glass (full glass if you dislike the taste) of water. Honey helps, but watch out for the sugar in that.

Many health experts also claim that apple cider vinegar with ‘mother’ (not filtered as much) is better.

But apple cider vinegar may not be enough to completely reverse type 2 diabetes. For that you need to follow the proven 3-step strategy found here…