High Blood Pressure Forces You to Crave This Unhealthy SubstanceHaving high blood pressure, you probably are quite focused on eating healthy.

But what if your high blood pressure is actually forcing you to crave the exact food that is making your high blood pressure worse?

In fact, there is one particular type of “bad” food that people with high blood pressure crave more than other.

You must look out for this.

When given the choice of plain bread dipped in varying degrees of salt, researchers in Sao Paulo, Brazil discovered that people with high blood pressure preferred the breads with the highest concentrations when compared to people who have normal blood pressure.

This led scientists to theorize that people with high blood pressure may already crave the very substance that exacerbates the hypertension problem.

However, they did find that seasoning bread with low- or no-sodium flavorings diminished the strength of preference for the salty breads in both groups.

The study did not go into the specific reasons that hypertensive adults prefer salty foods, but other studies have shown that it might not be a genetic predisposition.

They suggests that people who are under the highest amounts of stress- no matter what the source (emotional, sensorial, mental or physical etc), crave the highest amounts of salt.

It supports the phrase “comfort food.”

Stress hormones in the blood have an effect on more than nerves and the cells of our organs. They affect even our taste buds, causing us to crave high-sugar and high-salt foods.

Which again causes high blood pressure. This is yet another thing that links stress to high blood pressure.

So what is the solution?

Fortunately, there are easy, blood pressure exercises you can do that both lower blood pressure and reduce stress hormone production. Click here to learn these easy blood pressure exercises…