This Common Tea Heals Type 2 DiabetesAccording to a recent study, published in the Naunyn-Schmedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology, a specific type of tea not only helps people lose weight, but it can also drastically assist in improving type 2 diabetes.

In fact, the effects of drinking this tea were the same as taking two types of medications that are being recommended to non-insulin dependent type 2 diabetics in order to control their condition.

But there is a twist to this. Because the tea itself is not enough.

Researchers from the Keimyung University School of Medicine conducted the study, to find out whether green tea was able to help people lose weight, as well as regulate the glucose levels of type 2 diabetes.

The results revealed specific ingredients within green tea called gallated catechins that work to inhibit the glucose uptake in the intestines.

The study itself began with the presumption that people could ingest enough of the gallated catechins to lower the blood glucose levels within the body from one cup of green tea, which could be consumed daily.

But it turns out that this isn’t necessarily so.

You see, as helpful as gallated catechins are in the gut, it increases insulin resistance when entering the bloodstream, which is very bad for diabetic or obese patients.

To conduct the study, the researchers fed both diabetic and healthy mice a high-fat diet and then supplemented this with extracts of green tea.

As a preventative measure for the potential harmful effect of gallated catechins, they bound the gallated catechins with polyethylene glycol, a non-toxic resin, so that the former wouldn’t leak into the blood stream.

The results were quite clear: the mice that were fed high doses green tea extract with the polyethylene glycol addition not only lost weight, but also experienced a great reduction in glucose intolerance and insulin resistance.

The mice, however, who only received the extract but no polyethylene glycol reaped almost no benefits from the green tea.

As long as the green tea extract is combined with polyethylene glycol, drinking a couple of cups of green tea should provide enough gallated catechins to drastically inhabit glucose uptake in the gut and therefore improve both obesity and type 2 diabetes.

The effects of drinking green tea (with polyethylene glycol) were the same as taking two types of medications that are being recommended to non-insulin dependent diabetics in order to control their condition.

But drinking green tea may not be enough to completely heal your type 2 diabetes. For that you need this 3-step strategy that reversed my mother’s type 2 diabetes as well as hundreds of readers…