Genetic High Blood Pressure Cured NaturallyIf your mother and father, grandparents and great grandparents suffered from high blood pressure, chances are that so do you.

And since your blood pressure is genetic, you probably think there is nothing you can do to naturally lower it. Are you doomed for the side effects of blood pressure medications?

Not at all, because a new study proves that two simple, natural methods can boost your gene structure and cure your genetic blood pressure issues.

A telomere is a stretch of DNA in our cells that protects our genetic data. If our genetic structure was like shoelaces, telomeres would be the plastic tips at the end that prevent the shoelaces (genetic structure) from fraying.

The longer our telomeres are, the more protected is our genetic structure and the healthier we stay.

Shortening of telomeres has been connected to almost every disease under the sun, including general aging, cancer, and (most of all) high blood pressure.

But till now, most scientists have believed that long telomeres was a genetic gift, which we could not do much about. Therefore, with average length telomeres we would be genetically cursed to have high blood pressure – and there was nothing we could do about it.

Research carried out by Dr. Robert Schneider, director of the Institute for Natural Medicine and Prevention, however, challenged this belief.

The research carried involved an exciting trial involving 48 black men and women with high blood pressure. They choose African Americans because they are considered more prone to genetic high blood pressure.

Half of the group were taught the Transcendental Meditation technique along with basic health education, and the other half of the group followed the standard healthy diet and lifestyle suggestions, focusing on regular exercise, weight management, and observing their salt and alcohol intake.

After 16 weeks both groups showed significant improvement in both lower blood pressure, and longer telomeres. Interestingly, there was no static difference between the group following the meditation technique and the one following a healthy diet, which indicates that doing both could even double the genetic gain.

This study was especially interesting for me, because for years now I’ve helped thousands of people lower their blood pressure using specific mind/body exercises, somewhat similar to meditation.

Based on previous studies, it’s clear that our blood pressure exercises are much more effective, however, than TM meditation.

But one question I so often get is: do our blood pressure exercises work if the blood pressure is genetic? Now I can clearly answer that question YES!

So here are the easy blood pressure exercises that will 100% drop your blood pressure below 120/80 – no matter what causes it. Even if it’s genetic…