This “Water” Lowers High Blood Pressure 10 PointsThis is no ordinary water.

It’s delicious tasting and at the same delivers amazing health benefits.

In fact, according to a new study, 70% of those drinking this “water” daily for two weeks lowered their blood pressure. Almost twice as much as the other two “water” types tested.

Did you know that Hawaiians call coconut water ‘noelani’? That means ‘dew from the heavens,’ and how apt. It is a light drink low in calories and much lower in sugar than most fruit juices.

Coconut water is rich in many vitamins, minerals, essential trace elements, amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants, phytonutrients, electrolytes and natural salts.

It is these natural salts that we are interested in – coconut water is a rich source of potassium. Potassium is a mineral that is wonderful for protecting the heart and muscle function. It relaxes the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure naturally.

In a study published in the West Indian Medical Journal in 2005, a group of researchers investigated the effect of coconut water and a tropical drink called mauby (a tea made from boiled buckthorn tree bark) in patients with high blood pressure.

Twenty-eight volunteers took part in the study, and they were divided into 4 groups. One group was given plain bottled water, another group was given coconut water, the third group was given mauby, while the fourth group received a mixture of coconut water and mauby.

The blood pressure readings of the patients were measured before and throughout the two-week study period. An amazing decrease in blood pressure was observed in the three groups that received coconut water, mauby and the mixture.

The winner? Coconut water!

Coconut lowered blood pressure for 71% of those who drank coconut water, 40% of those who consumed mauby lowered their blood pressure, and 43% of those drinking the mixture of two had reduced pressure.

Another study conducted in 2013 which involved 70 volunteers also showed similar results. Irrespective of the cause of high blood pressure, tender coconut water was found to be useful for decreasing blood pressure readings.

In this study, the control group showed a 4 mm/Hg decrease in systolic pressure and about 1 mm/Hg decrease in diastolic pressure. Whereas the group that consumed the coconut water showed 10 mm/Hg decrease in systolic pressure and 7 mm/Hg decrease in diastolic pressure.

An even more powerful tool to lower blood pressure are simple blood pressure exercises. These have been proven to lower almost everyone’s blood pressure below 120/80 – sometimes the very first time people use them.

Learn more about these easy blood pressure exercises and try them out for yourself here…