High Blood Pressure Death Rate Up 62% (this will scare you)More people than ever use medications to bring their blood pressure under control.

Yet, the number of deaths caused by high blood pressure-related diseases have increased 62% in the last 13 years. This is according to a new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The researchers went over national cause-of-death data files and noted every time hypertension was mentioned.

Interestingly, the increase in deaths was not due to rise in heart attack and stroke, diseases most often connected to high blood pressure. It was cancer, type 2 diabetes, and other diseases that have been linked to high blood pressure that caused the biggest part of the rise.

But what this analysis also shows is that forcing down blood pressure using medications does not necessarily help prevent diseases caused by high blood pressure.

A better solution is to use diet and lifestyle changes to improve your overall health and lower blood pressure. Most people can drastically improve their blood pressure using simple lifestyle changes.

One natural method works for almost everyone. Thousands of readers have used it to cure their high blood pressure.

It’s a set of three easy blood pressure exercises, anyone can do. And they have been proven to drop blood pressure below 120/80, within a week. Sometimes even the very first time people use them.

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