Common Mineral Alters Your Brain to Cause High Blood PressureBlood pressure is almost 100% monitored by your brain. If you’ve high blood pressure, for whatever reason, your brain is sending out a signal to raise your blood pressure. It’s that simple.

But why does your brain order high blood pressure when it is lethal?

A new study from McGill University identified one single mineral that alters your brain to raise your blood pressure. And you are consuming this dangerous mineral daily.

Vasopressin is a hormone that has two vital functions that raise blood pressure. It narrows arteries and contains water in the body.

When your brain detects that higher blood pressure is in order (during exercise, for example), it sends out neural signals that release more vasopressin. When there is time to lower blood pressure, neural signals are sent to restrain vasopressin release.

In the study published in the journal Neuron, scientists loaded lab rats with salt and then measured the release of vasopressin.

For the rats that consumed a high amount of salt for a long time, the neural signal to restrain vasopressin was inhibited. Leading to constant narrowing of the rat’s arteries and too much water retention. Both are factors leading to long-term high blood pressure.

You must, however, keep in mind that the scientists used a very high amount of salt. No reliable study has indicated that a moderate amount of pure sea salt significantly raises blood pressure.

More interesting is that this study proves again that it’s your brain that causes high blood pressure. For this reason, the cure must be focused on why the brain decides to raise blood pressure.

Everyone’s blood pressure jumps up and down throughout the day. When running after a bus, fighting with a spouse, even solving a difficult cross-word puzzle, your blood pressure rises. These are all normal, healthy reasons.

When you then relax in between actions, your blood pressure drops down to a healthy level. The basic, “ground-level,” your brain considers healthy. It then calculates the ups and downs of your blood pressure from this “ground-level.”

But if your blood pressure stays high for a long period, the “ground-level” your brain compares everything to becomes too high. While healthy blood pressure is below 120/80, the “ground-level” might creep up to be 150/100. For this reason, both resting and active blood pressure becomes too high.

Your brain becomes stuck in a high blood pressure circle like a computer that freezes. The only way to cure high blood pressure is to reboot your brain to a healthy “ground-level” blood pressure.

We do this using simple exercises that give your brain a “Focused Break” that brings your blood pressure below 120/80. As your brain realizes that 150/100 is not the normal blood pressure level, a new ground-level is established.

As complicated as this may all sound, the method to gain the Focused Break is simple. Thousands of people have permanently cured their high blood pressure using these simple Focused Break exercises.

To learn more about the Focused Break exercises and try them out for yourself, click here…