3 Benefits of Suffering Stroke (this will surprise you)Most of us associate stroke with horrendous consequences such as becoming paralyzed and loss of speech and other functions.

But for some people, stroke delivers amazing abilities. Some would call it superpowers.

Ken Walters suffered a horrible work accident that left him disabled and depressed for 19 years. He didn’t feel like there was anything to live for.

This would be the end of a sad story if, in 2005 (on top of everything else) he had not suffered a stroke. He began doodling after suffering the stroke. Soon, he became so passionate that he stayed up all night drawing.

Within two years of the stroke, he had become such a talented graphic artist, both Java and IBM hired him for various projects.

Now, this must have made Ken happy. But for an English man, Malcolm Myatt, happiness reached new heights in 2004 when he suffered a stroke.

At the age of 60, Malcolm lost all feeling on the left side of his face and experienced small issues with short term memory. But he also lost all ability to feel sadness. Frankly, he’s happy all the time.

His wife describes him as more childish and playful than before. Someone who lights up every room he enters, and someone whom everyone misses when he’s not around.

Even happier (or at least more surprised), was Alun Morgan’s wife when, at the age 81, he woke up after suffering a stroke speaking only Welsh (the wife’s native language).

Alun had only been to Wales once for a few months during World War II. And he had never shown any sign of speaking Welsh till after the stroke.

So why does this happen?

When a person suffers a stroke, some parts of the brain actually die. But being such an adjusting organ, the brain compensates for the lost abilities and makes new neural pathways, exposing hidden talents not used before.

This shows just how many things we’re capable of if we try. We don’t need a stroke to highlight these talents; just put your healthy mind to it.

Now despite these fun, uplifting stories, the fact is that stroke normally leaves people in a worse place. Therefore, it’s essential to do everything in your power to avoid stroke.

The #1 cause of stroke and heart attack is high blood pressure. It’s actually the #1 underlying cause of overall death in the world. So, it should be your #1 health goal to get your blood pressure under control.

But, you must do it naturally, because blood pressure medications are both useless in many ways to prevent stroke as well as delivering somber side effects.

The best way I know to lower blood pressure naturally is using three easy blood pressure exercises. They are so simple that anyone can do them and work quickly to bring your blood pressure below 120/80 – starting today…

If high cholesterol is your concern, here is the step-by-step strategy I used to clear my +90% clogged arteries…