8 Most Dangerous Foods for Type 2 Diabetes (avoid at all cost)If you’ve been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or pre-type-2-diabetes, you know it’s essential to consume the right type of foods.

Indeed, eating the wrong food can literally land you in the emergency room within minutes (that’s what happened to my mother). That’s why we’re today listing 8 of the most dangerous foods for type 2 diabetics.

I’m sure we’re missing some items, so please makes sure you check out the comment section and also share your warnings about dangerous foods for type 2 diabetics.

Candy – This comes as no surprise – candy, sweets, toffees, soda, cookies all lack nutritional value. They are a source of low quality carbohydrates, the kind that cause sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. When you crave for a sweet treat, choose fruits instead. The fiber in fruits helps slow down the absorption of glucose in the system.

Raisins – Raisins and other dry fruits may seem like a better snack option than candies or cookies, but they still cause your blood sugar levels to spike. The dehydration process results in the fruit sugars becoming very concentrated. This is why it’s much better to eat fresh fruits.

Pancakes with syrup – Pancakes by themselves are problematic for diabetics, considering that they are made of refined flour, but topping it with syrup causes a starch and sugar overload. They not only cause a rise in blood sugar but also contribute to a few more pounds on your body.

Fruit juice – This might be a better option than soda, but even 100 percent fruit juice can be a problem. Like dry fruits, fruit juice is concentrated with fruit sugars and causes your blood sugar level to spike.

French fries – These greasy fries are loaded with starch and carbohydrates, and they cause the blood sugar to spike. If that isn’t enough, the unhealthy trans fats in them cause a rise in cholesterol levels. There is every reason why you should stay a mile away from this tempting food.

White bread – White bread and other food made of white flour act just like sugars once the body digests them. They usually interfere with glucose control and should be avoided. A better choice is food items made of whole grains. Read the label carefully though. Often “whole-wheat bread” is mostly made of white wheat with a little bit of whole wheat added.

Pastries – Sugar, white flour and trans fats are some of the ingredients in pastries. While sugar and white flour together cause an increase in blood glucose, the trans fats increases the cholesterol level. Save calories and head for a healthier snack like plain yogurt when you crave for something sweet.

Milk – Whole milk is rich in saturated fats, which are known to play a role in insulin resistance. A good idea is to buy skim milk instead of whole milk and also cut down on cream cheese, regular cheese and full fat yogurt. Better yet, check out if your taste buts can take soymilk or almond milk.

Avoiding these 8 foods is a good beginning of tackling your type 2 diabetes. But if you want to reverse your condition, you need to take more actions.

Here are the exact 3 steps my mother used to completely reverse her type 2 diabetes…