How A Text Messaged Stopped Type 2 DiabetesAmong all the ways to control type 2 diabetes, text messages would seem the most improbable!

After all, isn’t it all about diet and exercise?

But a new study from India shows how a simple little text message can be extremely effective in keeping type 2 diabetes under control.

The concept of text messages helping to prevent or control type 2 diabetes sounds very odd, but in reality it makes sense.

If you look at how things work in today’s pace, it’s easy to notice how people are so busy with their career and lives that they don’t really take time for themselves.

A lack of time also means that sometimes people don’t visit their physicians even when there is a need. Similarly, physicians are unable to provide dedicated, personalized attention to the patients owing to a lack of time.

At these times, health text messages seem to be a really good way for keep people on their toes about their health needs. While it is the same advice offered to thousands of people, it might still seem like individual attention and genuine care.

The result of the study on the effect of text messages on type 2 diabetes was published in Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology.

The researchers from Diabetes Research Foundation in Chennai focused on 537 male participants who had impaired glucose tolerance and were at a higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

The participants were randomly divided into two groups. All the participants were given basic education and motivation for making healthy choices to prevent type 2 diabetes.

However, one group received 2 – 3 text messages a week on simple lifestyle changes like ‘Use stairs instead of elevator’ or ‘Avoid snacks while watching TV. You may overeat’. The other group did not receive any messages. The research study lasted for about 2 years and during that course, around 60-80 messages were sent cyclically.

At the end of the study period, it was found that 27 percent of participants in the group that did not receive text messages developed Type 2 Diabetes compared to only 18 percent in the text message group.

Another interesting find was that up to 95 percent of the participants actually liked receiving the motivational messages. The researchers are very hopeful that text messages could be a simple and inexpensive way of preventing type 2 diabetes.

Text messages might help prevent diabetes but it can’t cure it! Try these 3 steps my mother used to completely reverse her Type 2 Diabetes in less than 30 days…