Shocking Study Reveals New Angle On Saturated Fat PropagandaRecently, a study out of the UK has revealed that we may have been led down the wrong path with regard to saturated fats in the diet and their impact on heart and vascular health.

Don’t belly up to the cheeseburger bar yet, though, since there is more to the study than uncovering the saturated fat myth.

In a mega-analysis of more than 70 health studies, looking at nearly three quarters of a million people, researchers at the University of Cambridge in the UK have released information that may change the impact of how we view saturated fats.

It has long been held that replacing saturated fats (those found in red meats and other animal products) with polyunsaturated fats (those in vegetable-based foods and fish) is the healthiest way to reduce cholesterol and mitigate heart attack and stroke risk.

However, the new study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, has indicated that saturated fats may not have quite the devastating effects as previously thought.

That doesn’t mean that we can casually toss the limits on red meat out the window. It just means that they can’t specifically identify any saturated fat that is the most detrimental to health as compared to polyunsaturated fats.

However, when consumed in large quantities, there doesn’t need to be a difference in the type of fats- too much fat will cause your arteries to clog, period.

It does remain supported by evidence, though, that trans fats are still a very bad idea, and should be limited at all cost. Trans fats are those that are found in nearly all processed foods, and are associated with at least a 16% increase of cardiovascular disease.

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