Senior man thoughts about his ageStudies into what drug or which method is best to predict or even cure Alzheimer’s disease are far from completed.

In fact, not only are most conventional treatments sorely lacking in actual promise, there is little hope, it seems, for lasting reversal.

But there is hope, actually, although not in the pharmaceutical world of Western Medicine. Researchers in natural therapies have discovered that a simple (no cost) technique holds the key to eventual reversal of the disease.

Scientists at the Neurology Department of Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC, have observed promising results from mindfulness exercises, referred to as mindfulness based stress reduction, or MBSR.

In the exercises, which are a blend of meditation and yoga, participants were guided through instruction and recordings through 2- hour sessions of mind-body connection activities.

The sessions went on for 8 weeks, with another group of participants only using traditional, Western-based therapies for attempting to reduce the progress of cognitive decline.

The participants underwent testing, including MRIs, at the beginning and end of the 8- week study.

What the researchers found was that the MBSR group had higher functioning in regions of the brain like the posterior cingulate cortex, the bilateral medial prefrontal cortex, and the left hippocampus as compared to the group undergoing standard therapy.

As well, the MBSR participants showed a tendency toward less atrophy in hippocampal volume compared to the non-MBSR group.

The results led the authors of the study to go so far as to say that using meditation and yoga in this way, as an intervention, impact areas of the brain that have been found to be the most susceptible to Alzheimer’s-like diseases.

The guided exercises aren’t a mystery, and they do more than improve brain function and beat back the problems of cognitive decline.

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So now you can use these easy exercises to both lower your blood pressure and reverse/prevent dementia…