Cholesterol GuidelinesIf your doctor has stated that you may be one of the people affected by the new guidelines for cholesterol control and wants to kick up your prescription medication regimen, give pause.

New information has been released that blasts the pro-drug initiative right out of the water; hopefully surfacing before too many people have already taken action with dangerous drug increases.

Recently, widespread media coverage announced new guidelines for physicians concerning their patients’ cholesterol levels. What was so shocking was that the new guidelines made it appear that the old standards of cholesterol health were far too high.

The announcement made many healthcare leaders- both Western medicine and naturopaths- cry “foul.” What is the first step that is always encouraged for getting “dangerous” cholesterol under control? Take more pills!

The online tool was developed purportedly to ‘help’ doctors identify risks for patients with high cholesterol, so that customized treatment options can be discussed. However, the tool and all its data channelizes patients into the statin stock tank.

The flaws with the tool have been found to overestimate a patient’s risk factors alarmingly, as much as 150%. This new information on the tool’s flaws is being published in a research letter in the Lancet, a medical journal in the field of cholesterol health.

In the letter, Dr. Steve Nissen of Cleveland Clinic (and past president of the American College of Cardiology) has asked for the implementation of the new guidelines to be halted.

The flaws lie in the troubling fact that very old and outdated information is being used as the data pool from which the online tool produces is outcomes.

Until the problem is sorted out, say health care experts, it would be safer for patients to look to healthier alternatives to reducing cholesterol numbers.

The saddest part about all this is that by making only a few, minor, painless lifestyle changes, anyone can get their cholesterol under control without medications.

Here are the exact steps I followed to get my deadly cholesterol under control and clean out my 90% clogged arteries – all in less than 30 days…