Michelle Pfeiffer VeganNot very many women Michelle Pfeiffer’s age can look as incredible as she does. It’s clear she’s doing something to keep the damage of aging at bay.

But she still had to get her cholesterol under control, just like any other person her age. It’s almost a rite of passage for middle age.

However, dropping cholesterol doesn’t have to mean a dangerous drug regimen. Sometimes it just takes making one or two adjustments in the way a person eats to make an enormous change in cholesterol health.

In fact, Michelle recent shared of how she was able to drop her cholesterol whooping 83 points changing only ONE thing in her life.

What was that single little thing that made all the difference for Michelle?

Pfeiffer credits her vegan diet to being able to drop her cholesterol by 83 points.

Many people, when faced with the option to not eat any animal products such as meat, milk, or eggs, frequently shut the door on it, claiming that there is no way they could ever give up their bacon or a layer of cheese on a bean burrito.

However, cleansing your body’s ‘need’ for meat and dairy doesn’t have to be difficult or painful. Simply reducing the serving sizes of these items over time will do the trick.

Another way to work animal products out of your diet without suffering is to increase the number of animal-free meals you eat in a day.

And now that the Internet is so accessible and full of resources for vegan recipes, there is no end to the possibilities of finding tasty, filling foods that keep you healthy, strong, and lean.

But not everyone has the desire to go all vegan and you don’t have to even if you want to get your cholesterol and blood pressure under control.

Here is the exact step-by-step plan I used to bring my cholesterol down to a healthy level in less than a month…

And if you want to lower your blood pressure, discover how these three easy exercises drop blood pressure below 120/80 as soon as today…