diabetes_indicatorsMany people have learned by now what the most common signs are of a possible problem developing with diabetes. But there are several that are not as commonly known as dizziness, frequent urination, or problems with vision and hearing.

Today we will look at some symptoms that alone may seem like the simple process of aging, but together point to an immediate need for action to treat pre-type-2-diabetes.

Not all the symptoms of diabetes are as well-known as insatiable thirst and needing to urinate all the time. Some creep up gradually and may go unnoticed or simply be passed off as aging. But if any combination of these symptoms crops up, you’ll need to write them down and see your doctor right away.

– Moisture issues like how you sweat-
High blood glucose is very damaging to the nerves. The same process that causes a person to lose vision and hearing is also attacking the sweat glands, and can cause you to either sweat more excessively or even not at all.

– Dry mouth is another moisture problem, but this one isn’t nerve-related. High blood glucose steals moisture from your mouth, so you may feel cotton-mouthed all the time. This is the unpleasant cousin to constant, insatiable thirst.

– Dry, cracked skin will also result because moisture is harder to keep when glucose is too high, and skin disturbances can lead to infection and even loss of hair.

– Sexual dysfunction in women can be directly attributed to moisture problems. However, circulation damage will cause hormone problems as well. And in men, nerve damage to the tissues in the penis can prevent erection.

– Leg cramps are common with people who are diabetic, and not because they need more bananas. Nerve damage causes the pain and numbness in the hands and feet, but circulation problems cause cramping because nutrients can’t get to the muscles.

– Constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and vomiting might not seem like the normal maladies that come with diabetes. Usually people will say voiding issues are a bladder thing. But the same thing that causes frequent urination can disrupt the digestion in several places, because the nerve impulses are errant or simply missing.

– Bleeding gums are an issue that you need to bring up to your dentist the minute you notice it. While it could be a passing infection (which, by the way, is happens more frequently with diabetes sufferers), it could also be an indicator of diabetes.

Not all people who develop diabetes will develop the same symptoms. The well-known thirst and tingly hands and feet may not happen to you, but the other symptoms on the list might. If you notice the above issues, get checked right away, especially of you are considered to be pre-diabetic or have been diagnosed with metabolic disorder or have high blood pressure.

The sooner you know for sure what’s going on, the easier it is to cure type-2-diabetes or pre-diabetes.

The good news is that you can completely reverse type 2 diabetes in less than 30 days with this simple 3-step plan. Learn all the details here…

High blood pressure can also be eliminated- even if you have diabetes- with this simple, 3-step exercise plan anyone can do…

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