Chances are if you’re over the age of 45 that you’re suffering from one or more of what the traditional medical system calls an “incurable disease”.

This includes things like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and arthritis just to name a few examples.

Since these have been determined to be incurable diseases, big pharmaceutical companies have developed drugs that keep them at bay. The catch is, you’ll have to buy these drugs for the rest of your life and suffer the side effects.

It’s too bad for them that we’ve listed hundreds of articles on our website illustrating various ways to permanently CURE these “incurable” diseases. And it’s easier than you’d think.

I love inspiration. That’s why in today’s article I’m going to tell you about one of the most hopeless health cases. It happened to Alan Smith. Six doctors swore he was going to die within two days and were even turning of his life support. But with the help of his family, he turned the table and reached a full recovery.

The most amazing thing is that Alan used nothing else other than a common vitamin!

You see, Alan Smith is a New Zealand farmer who in 2009 caught an extremely bad case of the so-called Swine Flu. In a coma, he was rushed to a hospital where he was put on life support.

[adrotate group=”5″]Within days, the infection had completely taken over Alan’s lungs. No air could be processed with his lungs. The x-ray couldn’t even detect the lung-structure. Artificial breathing support was the only reason he stayed alive.

Doctors held on to hope until the infection began to pop up in different parts of Alan’s body. This infection could have been fought if his lungs were working. But without them, there was no chance. The board of six head doctors of the hospital agreed to take Alan off of life support and face the unavoidable.

But the family had not given up hope. Alan’s three sons were not ready to see their father die. They demanded Alan be kept on life support and given a high dose of vitamin C.

The doctors bluntly refused, saying there was no scientific evidence this would work. And it is true in a way, although there are several miracle examples walking around. But the brothers were determined and finally got one of the board members to push the matter, giving Alan heavy doses of Vitamin C over two days. At that time, his life support would be finally be disconnected.

This kind of treatment is much higher than the digestion system can handle and because Alan was still in a coma, the Vitamin C needed to be injected.

After two days on the Vitamin C, the day Alan was scheduled to meet his maker, an x-ray detected clear air pockets in his lungs. He was rapidly recovering. Less than a week after starting the Vitamin C treatment, he was taken off of the life support.

Alan’s family had hope again. But then the unthinkable happened.

Alan’s health began to go down. The doctors had taken him off the Vitamin C.

You see, the doctors never believed it was the Vitamin C that saved Alan’s life. So, they had turned Alan on his stomach the same day they began the Vitamin C treatment and that’s what they believed was the real reason for his recovery.

As one of Alan’s son’s put it, “If turning him on his stomach was so helpful, why didn’t they do that earlier?”

The brothers had a heated meeting with the hospital board and again he was put on Vitamin C – this time though a very low dosage. And slowly his health began to improve again.

But the battle with the medical system was not over.

When he was transferred to another hospital, the doctor there again took him off the Vitamin C and was not about to give in on the issue.

This time the family had to get a high class lawyer involved. Finally the hospital agreed to a very small dosage and again Alan’s health began to improve.

His son’s described Alan’s recovery as a yo-yo. When on the Vitamin C, his health improved. Then as soon as the doctors stopped giving it to him, his health went down again. After an infusion of Vitamin C, again his health improved. And on and on the fight for a natural, essential cure for Daddy went.

Alan had been in a coma for 9 weeks when he finally woke up. At that point his family began to feed him very high doses of Vitamin C orally.

The doctors said it would take him three months of rehabilitation to learn to walk again. But a couple of days later, Alan walked out of the rehabilitation clinic and has been healthy and happy ever since.

There are several points that we can take away from this story:

1) There is always hope. Almost every disease under the sun has at some point been cured using natural methods. Often times doctors claim that diseases must have been misdiagnosed when dealing with things like terminal cancer or AIDS. People have woken up from comas after 25 years. New natural and medical discoveries are coming up all the time. So never give up hope.

2) When you believe in something, don’t let anyone or anything stop you. The Smith brothers had every doctor they dealt with telling them Vitamin C would be of no use. Yet that’s the reason their father is still walking today. Even if their father hadn’t made it, I’m sure they’d have slept better knowing they tried everything.

High doses of vitamin C have successfully been used to help treat almost every disease under the sun. It’s the grandfather of antioxidants and even if other powerful antioxidants have been discovered, it’s still an extremely important substance.

Keep in mind that Alan’s case was very extreme. Most of us don’t need an overdose of Vitamin C or other antioxidants. In the long haul, it’s better to take in as much as we can of antioxidants in our daily diet.

The most powerful sources of antioxidants come from colorful vegetables and berries. But there are several other sources such as dark chocolate and various teas. You can browse through hundreds of articles on this site to learn more about various types of antioxidants.

Alan’s case is extreme but not unique. Every day thousands of people all over the world cure themselves of diseases doctors claim to be terminal. Here are some of the most powerful methods we know of to deal with the most common health issues:

3 easy exercises drop blood pressure below 120/80 as soon as today…

Simple 3-step plan completely reverses type 2 diabetes…

Cholesterol brought under control in less than 30 days…

Arthritis cured in 21 days using this step-by-step plan…

But first, I’d love to hear your take on today’s story. And if you know a miracle case, why not share it in the comments section below?