Seaweed has been touted for years as a highly nutritious, health-boosting plant that helps improve a variety of conditions. However, not all seaweed is created equal.

Scientists have discovered that a particular species has powerful benefits not found in any other kind of seaweed.

Food scientists working at NutraMara marine research group in Ireland have discovered that a species of seaweed, palmaria palmate (known to the locals as dulse) contains chemicals known to reduce blood pressure.

What sets this seaweed apart is that no other species in the world has been found to contain the chemicals, called renin-inhibitory peptides.

The synthetic version of the peptides are used commonly in medications for reducing high blood pressure, but as most everyone knows by now, medications come with a host of dangerous side effects.

To find the same effective peptides naturally in a food source is a tremendous benefit, especially for people who like seaweed dishes.

Although other types of seaweed do not include this positive chemical, they include many other health benefits.

If seaweed isn’t your thing and you prefer an easier method to reduce blood pressure, find out how, using 3 easy blood pressure exercises…