Menopause presents a laundry list of new complications and health woes for many women, but when a woman also has diabetes, the complications not only increase, but their severity and likelihood of occurring also increase.

Recently a study published in the British Journal of Cancer identified one cancer that fits this pattern and the women most likely to be affected.

Researchers in Lyon, France have discovered that post-menopausal women with type 2 diabetes are at a 27% increased risk of developing breast cancer, even without Hormone Replacement Therapy.

While many of the women in the study were also overweight, its own risk factor for developing breast cancer, some were not. The results of the study showed that adjusting for other concurrent risk factors, women were still much more likely to develop breast cancer if they are diabetic.

This dynamic lends to the theory that having diabetes is itself a direct contributor to the development of breast cancer.

They believe that processes involved with diabetes affect the hormone production and balance for post-menopausal women in ways that are not present in non-diabetic women in the same menopausal stage.

Similar hormone problems occur in women who are overweight or obese, adding even more of a risk to the growing pool of problems that type 2 diabetes causes.

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