A mega-study conducted in Germany recently and funded by a European group looking at cancer rates and other disease factors uncovered some terrifying data regarding an over the counter supplement that is widely recommended to people of all ages.

This supplement caused heart attacks and deaths by other diseases.

The study, conducted over 11 years and following 24,000 people looked at the supplementation habits of people who were not only healthy but also had a variety of health conditions.

What they found was alarming- people who included calcium as a staple in their supplements were more than 80% more likely to suffer from a heart attack as those who did not supplement with calcium.

While the mineral is critical in several metabolic, vascular, and other processes, supplementation has recently come under fire due to the fact that it is so poorly absorbed.

The downside to readily-absorbed, concentrated doses of calcium is that it causes blood calcium levels to spike and has been shown to cause heart attack as a result.

Additionally, despite the controversy, what most researchers, doctors and nutritionists can agree on is that the best source for calcium comes from food. Primarily because it’s the most easily absorbed when ingested as part of food sources.

As well, absorbing calcium more slowly throughout the day (as compared to the spike all at once) is safer than the supplementation route.

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