Hopefully by now, your doctor has recommended some kind of lifestyle changes. He/she may have suggested improving diet, working out a little (more) and even trying to reduce stress. For most anyone over 30 years old, this is needed.

But no matter what disease you may be fighting, be it diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, cholesterol, ED, menopause, pre-Alzheimer or whatever else, no medical person has probably ever recommended THE MOST IMPORTANT SUPPLEMENT HUMANS NEED!

I’m talking about a “supplement” so important that you can’t go without it for more than a few minutes. And yet, almost every single person I’ve worked with is somewhat deprived of this element, contributing to almost all diseases known to man.

And the best news is, it’s completely FREE!

So whether you agree with me or not, please invest a few minutes in reading on and making your stand in the comment section below.

You see, when I begin talking about the importance of breathing effectively and oxygen delivery throughout the body, people around me often shut their ears. They’re much more open to discussing diet and exercise to improve health. After all, don’t we all breathe automatically?

The answer is NO, but more on that in a second.

First, let me point out that we can live for days without water, over a month without food but only a few minutes without oxygen. And just as we can live for months without sufficient amounts of water and years on a very low level of food, we can survive for a long time without receiving enough oxygen.

But what effect does it have? Just think about it. How do you feel when you’re hungry? First you get irritable, right? Then after awhile you may feel somewhat weak and tired. Most of us have never experienced being on the edge of starvation but we’ve read stories and seen newscasts demonstrating the effects.

But oxygen delivery is even more important.

It’s a well known fact that people suffering from sleep apnea (a condition where people stop breathing for several seconds throughout the night and are therefore oxygen deprived) tend to gain extreme weight as a cause of that. Throughout the years I’ve had hundreds of people who have used my Stop Snoring program contact me and because not only did their snoring disappear but they also lost significant amounts of weight. This was one factor that motivated me to create my Weight Loss Breeze program that helps people lose weight only by breathing more effectively.

There is also a close connection between suffering sleep apnea and the risk of developing of Alzheimer’s. And, several studies have proven that long periods of even minor oxygen deprivation (less than 15%) causes Alzheimer’s and other dementia symptoms in mice. We’ll soon be launching a dementia prevention program based on these principles.

Research has also found oxygen deprivation to cause migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, muscle pain and several other conditions you’d never think of in connection to oxygen deprivation.

Stroke and heart attacks are, of course, the most obvious diseases caused by 100% oxygen deprivation to important parts of the body. But it doesn’t just happen overnight. If your blood constantly includes low levels of oxygen, your body has to pump more blood to get the same amount of oxygen delivered. This causes hardening of the arteries, higher cholesterol and a rise in blood pressure. One of the many things our blood pressure exercise program does is it improves breathing and oxygen delivery throughout the body.

Cancer cells thrive in oxygen deprived environments that kills most healthy cells. Lack of oxygen may also change the DNA structure of a cell, creating cancer cells.

The list of health hazards connected to lack of oxygen could go on and on. This is only a small example.

But are you really oxygen deprived? After all, you feel fine, right? And you’re constantly breathing, right?

Well, yoga studies have shown that normal people (not advantaged yoga masters) can usually inhale FIVE TIMES more oxygen than they do. This means that most likely if you were breathing as effectively as nature wanted you to, your blood would be receiving 500% more oxygen than it does now.

Now think about it- if you’d cut down your diet 80%, and if you’d only drank 20% of the water you’re drinking today. No matter if you’re overeating or under-eating, you’d most likely be ruining your body if you made such drastic changes. But that’s how most people are breathing.

And remember, oxygen is much more important than eating or drinking.

Not using your lungs to their fullest capacity also increases the risk of developing fungus and bacteria in the lungs and breathing passages, weakening the immune system and causing all kind of health hazards.

As if that wasn’t enough, if you spend significant time indoors or live in a city with lower levels of oxygen and a lot of air pollution, you’d hardly be getting enough oxygen even if you were breathing at optimum efficiency. It’s therefore becoming more important than ever to focus on effective breathing.

But there are several easy things you can do to increase the oxygen level in your body:

1) Simply be aware of your breathing. Sit down a few times a day and focus on a few deep breaths. As you make this a habit, your breathing will improve throughout the day.

2) Spend more time outdoors, preferably outside the city around any kind of nature.

3) Exercise. You’ll breathe more oxygen while working out, and also improve your lung capacity to process oxygen and deliver it throughout the body.

4) Reduce stress- since our bodies tend to freeze up when we’re stressed and our breathing becomes shallow and less effective. Our blood pressure program has been proven extremely effective to reduce stress. It also includes deep breathing exercises that boost your oxygen level in minutes.

5) Improve your body posture and free the muscles that control your breathing. Most people use the muscles that are intended to control breathing to balance their body. This is actually very simple to fix and I’ve witnessed people drastically improve their health in a short time using simple body balance exercises.

Some of our programs that are focused on improving breathing using all the attributes above include: The Weight Loss Breeze Program, The Fibromyalgia Program, The Migraine and Headache Program, The Vertigo and Dizziness Program. You can find links to these and other health programs on the right hand side of this page.

But first, tell us what you think by leaving your comments below.