Did you know that out of every five teenagers in the United States, one teenager has at minimum one risk factor associated with the development of heart disease?

The data collected by the Centre of Prevention of Diseases confirm the above statistics. Not only this, studies conducted by the Centre of Prevention of Diseases also confirm that nearly one-fifth of the teenagers in the United States have one of the three problems listed below:

  • Low good cholesterol (High Density Lipoprotein)
  • High bad cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein)
  • High triglycerides

All these three conditions can lead to heart-related problems in future.

The data confirms what heart experts have been advocating for long: improper eating habits and lifestyle in one’s formative years often lays down the foundation for heart diseases that surface in adulthood.

What kind of food leads to high cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a soft, wax-like substance found in our bloodstream and body cells. Cholesterol is required by our body to function normally. Nearly all food, including mother’s milk has cholesterol.

Though in different amounts, all foods that contain animal fat has cholesterol. However, foods that come from natural sources, such as plants do not contain cholesterol. A major cause of high cholesterol levels is the saturated fats and trans-fats that are added when preparing a meal.

It would be incorrect to put the blame solely on the teenagers for eating unhealthy. Isn’t it correct that our fast-paced life has increased the dependency on junk foods? Kids of today gorge on fast foods, such as pizzas, burgers, frozen foods, and chips, all of which have high trans-fats, which is a major cause of excessive cholesterol levels in teens.

What is the solution?

The solution, though simple is often overlooked. Eating right food and regular exercise can help immensely in rectifying the otherwise bleak situation.

The problem lies in kind of information that is provided to today’s consumers. Many people who have personal interests at stake – Internet, today is flooded with such people – confuse consumers by providing improper advice.

The solution does not lie in substituting one kind of food with another, but requires awareness about what kind of food to eat. It is essential that one eats a balanced diet and for this you need to avoid saturated fats and trans-fats. Instead of bad fats, consume unprocessed fats in moderate amounts.

Along with eating right, exercise regularly. Do away with the sedentary lifestyle; it’s only going to harm you in future. Instead of seeking entertainment in computer games and television, play sports or take on some other physical activity.

Controlling cholesterol requires eating a balanced diet and regular exercise.

For more information on this issue, check out our cholesterol guide.
