Teen pop sensation Nick Jonas probably never thought he’d become a diabetes spokesperson one day. And yet, that is exactly what he became. At just seventeen, Nick Jonas is receiving huge adulation, and this public affection is not only for his talent, but also for his effort in spreading awareness about diabetes.

The Initial Shock

Nick Jonas had a healthy childhood, but it was only in 2005 that Nick Jonas began to show the symptoms of diabetes. He lost weight, was always thirsty, and was generally never in a good mood. The dramatic weight loss and changes in behavior convinced him to see a doctor and the discovery was shocking- the youngest Jonas brother had Type I Diabetes. At that time, Nick Jonas was immediately admitted to the hospital, as his sugar levels were above 700.

The Adjusting Phase

Like any other newly-diagnosed diabetic person, Nick Jonas was worried about whether he would be able to carry on with his life as before. But to his relief and that of his fans, Nick Jonas was on the stage the same day he was discharged from the hospital.

To control his condition, the youngest Jonas brother took insulin injections and regularly monitored his glucose levels- as many as 12 times each day. Nick was just 13 when he was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, and it was not easy for him to deal with the condition with so much touring. But he remained committed and with sheer determination, he has been successfully managing his condition. However, Nick does not adhere to any special diet but he ensures he takes the correct amount of insulin for what he is eating.

Giving Hope to Other Diabetics

Even during the initial stages of his health problem, Nick expressed his wish to let the public know about his condition and felt he could use his popularity to spread awareness about diabetes and convince people, especially the young ones, that one can live just as well with diabetes. Nick waited to go public with his condition till he was comfortable managing his health, and recently, he even tested his insulin levels in public.

Nick admits that diabetes is a big part of his life, and one he can’t just ignore. He also said that he needs to always keep his diabetes in control. His example has shown that a lot can be achieved with a positive attitude.
