Did you know that stroke is the third largest cause of death in America and second worldwide, accounting for approximately 6 million deaths a year?

These figures are startling, to say the least. Hope comes from the fact that nearly 80% of strokes are preventable with active and healthy lifestyle choices.

According to Professor Lars Ryden of the Karolinska Institute in Stockhom, stroke is an inevitable consequence of aging. He further adds that to prevent stroke, it is necessary to identify the risk factors associated with it and modify our lifestyle to negate the factors that put us at increased risk to stroke.

Professor Lars Ryden is not the only one who thinks this way, World Stroke Organization also advocates the importance of understanding the risk factors associated with stroke. And that is why the theme of this year’s World Stroke Day was “What Can I do”?

Well… learn about the risk factors associated with stroke and make positive changes in your lifestyle to ensure that you don’t become a victim of this fatal disease.

Factors that increase the risk of stroke

Some of the factors that increase your chance of developing a stroke are:

  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Lack of regular physical activity

Stroke occurs when a blood clot interrupts the flow of the blood to the brain. Due to lack of oxygen, brain cells began to die. Stroke may lead to paralyzed limbs or the person may lose the ability to speak.

High blood pressure and stroke

Studies done to determine the relation between these two shows that high blood pressure or hypertension is the most important risk factor for stroke. In fact, a study recently done points that high blood pressure doubles the risk of developing stroke.

Prevent Stroke by natural means

By making healthy lifestyle and eating choices, you may drastically lower the risk of stroke. Few examples:

  • Stop Smoking.
  • Adopt a balanced diet.
  • Consume alcohol in moderation.
  • Exercise regularly.

Balanced diet and regular exercise helps immensely in reducing blood pressure and lowering risk of stroke. When selecting an exercise regime, initially don’t worry too much about the intensity of the exercise program but rather on its duration and frequency. You can start with something as doable as brisk walking. In fact, a Japanese study shows that regular brisk walking reduces the risk of stroke by 20%.

You may also want to check out our simple blood pressure program
