Research shows that insomnia over a period of time can lead to high blood pressure. Findings of a research that studied the relation between insomnia and hypertension were published in Sleep, a medical journal. The findings showed that blood pressure of insomniacs is higher than of those who sleep soundly at night.

Professor Paola Lanfranchi, the lead author has said that sleeping well at night gives our heart the much needed rest. When we are awake at night, as is the case in insomniacs, the heart doesn’t get the rest it requires. The result is higher than normal blood pressure at night. If the condition of insomnia continues for long, then chances of higher nighttime blood pressure leading to long-term damage of the heart increases.

Professor Jacque Montplaisir, who is the co-author of the study published in Sleep, also share the same opinion as Professor Lanfranchi. Professor Montplaisir has said that the blood pressure cycles are linked to sleep-wake cycle, and as insomniacs have higher than normal blood pressure at night they are at increased risk to cardiovascular diseases.

Tips for sleeping better

Shared below are some tips that help you sleep better:

  • Don’t take caffeine after lunch – Those who are having trouble in sleeping should avoid caffeine all together. But if you are unable to give up caffeine completely, avoid taking it after lunch.
  • Don’t smoke before going to bed – Smoking increases your chance of developing heart diseases, lung cancer, asthma, and other various diseases. Smoking also affects your sleep.If you still want to continue smoking, avoid lightening a cigarette at least two hours before bedtime.
  • Avoid Alcohol – While you may be tempted to end your sleep woes by taking a few shots of alcohol, in reality this method is counterproductive. Alcohol may put you to sleep for few hours or even more, but it robs you of restorative sleep.
  • Eat a balanced diet – Fatty and junk foods are not only a big contributor to health conditions, such as high blood pressure and acid reflux, but they also make it harder for you to sleep. Avoid junk food and eat more wholesome food to improve your sleep. Also, do not eat before going to bed.
  • Follow a regular bedtime schedule – Your body’s internal clock works more efficiently if you daily go to sleep at a particular time and wake up daily at the same time. Create your sleep schedule and try to stick to it as much as possible.
  • Exercise regularly – Tiring yourself physically helps you to sleep better. Further, exercises also help in controlling blood pressure and weight. Pick an exercise regime that suits you and one that you can do daily.

You may also want to check out our insomnia program or our high blood pressure program. Both have been very effective for our readers.

